The third season of the hit comedy reality show LOL: Last One Laughing Nederland has premiered on Prime Video, delivering six episodes of hilarious moments and fierce competition. With returning stars and fresh faces, including Jörgen Raymann and Jennifer Hoffman, the show features contestants trying to make each other laugh without cracking themselves. Hosted by Phi... from Gadgets 360
Coldplay Ahmedabad Concert to Live Stream on Disney+ Hotstar: Everything You Need to Know: Dates, Live Stream, and Special Travel Updates
Coldplay's iconic 'Music of the Spheres World Tour' lands in Ahmedabad with performances at the Narendra Modi Stadium on January 25 and 26. Fans unable to attend in person can enjoy the January 26 concert live on Disney+ Hotstar, marking a historic streaming event. Western Railway has arranged special Mumbai-Ahmedabad trains on these dates, ensuring fans can travel co... from Gadgets 360