IoT and Smart Home Tech
A smart home also referred to as a connected home or eHome is an environment for living that has highly advanced automatic systems. A smart home appears “intelligent” because its daily activities are monitored by a computer. A smart home consists of many technologies via home networking for improving quality of living. A smart home is a place that has highly advanced automatic systems for controlling and monitoring lighting and temperature, home appliances, multi-media equipment, and security systems and many other functions. IoT [1] plays an important role in building smart home. Through IoT almost every object of our daily life in a home can be connected to the Internet. IoT allows monitoring and controlling all of these connected objects regardless of time and location.
We’ve been hearing about the forthcoming revolution of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) and resulting interconnectedness of smart home technology for years. So what’s the holdup? Why aren’t we all living in smart, connected homes by now? Part of the problem is too much competition, with not enough collaboration—there are tons of individual appliances and apps on the market, but few solutions to tie everything together into a single, seamless user experience. Now that bigger companies already well-versed in uniform user experiences (like Google, Amazon, and Apple) are getting involved, I expect we’ll see some major advancements on this front in the coming year.
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